mercredi 4 février 2015

Samsung launches advanced enterprise mobility solution

Tablet mobile security

The increasing use of mobile devices for business has highlighted the need for solutions to manage devices and keep them secure.

Samsung has recognized the growing importance of this and has announced the release of the Good app container and management system on the Samsung KNOX enterprise security platform for Android.

Good's container platform and app ecosystem are integrated directly into the KNOX security stack. This joint solution creates a secure solution for enterprises and government agencies looking to accelerate their Android deployment to drive secure mobile productivity.

"Together, Samsung and Good are addressing the growing importance of mobility management for enterprises by delivering an unmatched secure mobile productivity solution for Android that will relieve organizations of past concerns with Android adoption," says Injong Rhee, executive vice president of enterprise business, IT and mobile business at Samsung Electronics. "The combination of Samsung and Good represents the best solution for secure enterprise Android productivity -- no matter whether corporate-liable, COPE (Corporate Owned, Personally Enabled) or BYOD(Bring Your Own Device) device ownership models are being used".

The product creates a Good-secured domain within the KNOX Android system where any secured apps sit. It prevents the rooting of corporate Android devices and stops rooted BYOD devices from accessing corporate resources. It also protects devices against Android malware that attempts to modify the kernel or system and secures corporate apps and data whether they’re at rest, in motion, in memory, or between apps.

"The large companies in the world trust Good Technology as the secure mobility leader, including all of the Fortune 100 commercial banks and other industry leading companies in over 190 countries," says Christy Wyatt, chairman and CEO of Good Technology. "By partnering with Samsung to integrate our container and secure app ecosystem with the KNOX platform, we are delivering a comprehensive, layered solution to secure Samsung Android devices in the enterprise".

You can find more information about Good for Samsung KNOX and see a video of how it works on the Good website.

Image Credit: Moon Light PhotoStudio / Shutterstock

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