jeudi 1 octobre 2015

YouTube will show more relevant ads in videos


YouTube has announced it’s adding new capabilities to the advertising on the site. Yay, more ads on our YouTube videos, who wouldn’t be happy?

Anyway, long story short -- marketers will be able to buy ads which will be displayed during product-focused videos, such as game reviews, unboxings, product reviews and how-to videos.

Google explained how the new system will work in a blog post published on the AdWords blog:

"These will let you show a click-to-buy ad within partner videos on YouTube, going beyond your own videos to transform any relevant video into your digital storefront. Similar to Shopping ads on Google, you only pay when a user clicks on your ad", it says in the blog post.

It seems as users are increasingly turning to YouTube for instructional and informational videos, especially when they’re researching something they’re planning on buying. Google has noticed this trend and is investing in new ways in order to increase shopping-related activities on YouTube.

According to a report by IOL, the new YouTube offering is being announced as part of Advertising Week, an annual event in New York focused on the latest trends and products in the advertising industry.

"YouTube will roll out the click-to-buy service in the coming months, following similar moves by parent Google and social networks such as Facebook Inc.’s Instagram and Pinterest Inc. to make it easier to shop via their sites", it says.

"YouTube has become the place the world comes to watch, share and engage with video", the company said in the post. "And we want to keep creating even better experiences for the viewers, advertisers and creators who turn to YouTube every day".

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