Regardless of where you stand on climate change, loving the earth and your fellow inhabitants of said planet are always a positive. Yes, it can be confusing that we are told the world is warming while experiencing crazy amounts of snow, but remember -- your experiences aren't indicative of the entire world. If some small changes in our day to day lives can have a positive impact, why argue about it?
Today, AMD announces that it has signed the American Business Act on Climate pledge, joining President Obama and the White House in protecting humanity from man-made climate change. This is on top of the company's existing initiative to protect the Earth.
"AMD has joined the American Business Act on Climate Pledge in a coordination with US corporate climate leaders and the White House Office of Public Engagement. AMD along with the other participating business signatories have pledged their support for a positive, action-oriented outcome at the United Nations Climate Summit negotiations in Paris (Nov 30 - Dec 10), and have created forward-looking corporate goals to help improve climate protection", says Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
Tim Mohin, Director of Corporate Responsibility at AMD explains that the company "is proud to join corporate leaders publicly recognizing that a low carbon economy is good for the planet, good for business, and good for all humankind. For 20 years AMD has established climate protection goals for our operations and exceeded these same goals. Today we are extending our climate protection programs to encompass our supply chain and the energy efficiency of our products".
AMD is not signing this pledge as a publicity stunt; the company has already put its "money where its mouth is". It's committed to extremely reducing processor power usage by 2020. Its 6th Generation AMD A-Series APUs can make a positive impact today, when leveraged by businesses.
What do you think of AMD's commitment to the environment? Tell me in the comments.
Photo Credit: wavebreakmedia/Shutterstock
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