mardi 2 février 2016

Cloud email adoption is low in the enterprise

cloud email

Cloud email services are still not as big as you’d expect in the enterprise, but they are growing stronger. Those are the results of an automated survey by market analyst Gartner.

According to the survey, 8.5 percent of public companies use cloud email service from Microsoft’s Office 365, while 4.7 percent use Google Apps for Work.

The rest, 87 percent, use either on-premises, hybrid, hosted or private cloud email, managed by smaller companies.

The automated report looked at a large number of publicly available email routing records, Gartner said. By using the email server addresses in the domain records of some 40,000 public companies worldwide, Gartner was able to pinpoint which of those use cloud email from Google or Microsoft.

"Although it is still early days for cloud email adoption, both Microsoft and Google have achieved significant traction among enterprises of different sizes, industries and geographies", said Nikos Drakos, research vice president at Gartner. "Companies considering cloud email should question assumptions that public cloud email is not appropriate in their region, size or industry. Our findings suggest that many varied organizations are already using cloud email, and the number is growing rapidly".

Microsoft dominates, especially in industries such as utilities, energy and aerospace, while Google is more present in software publishing, retail, media, food and beverage or education.

"Among public companies using cloud-based email, Microsoft is more popular with larger organizations and has more than an 80 percent share of companies using cloud email with revenue above $10 billion", said Jeffrey Mann, research vice president at Gartner. "Google’s popularity is better among smaller companies, approaching a 50 percent share of companies with revenue less than $50 million".

Published under license from, a Net Communities Ltd Publication. All rights reserved.

Photo Credit:  2jenn/Shutterstock

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