mardi 4 août 2020

Malware attacks using machine identities continue to increase

Malware attacks using machine identities doubled from 2018 to 2019 and have increased eight fold over the last decade. New threat analysis from machine identity management company Venafi looks at security incidents and third-party reports in the public domain, including high-profile campaigns such as, TrickBot, Skidmap, Kerberods and CryptoSink. "Unfortunately, machine identities are increasingly being used in off-the-shelf malware," says Yana Blachman, threat intelligence researcher at Venafi. "In the past, machine identity capabilities were reserved for high-profile and nation-state actors, but today we're seeing a 'trickle-down' effect. Machine identity capabilities have become commoditized and are being added to off-the-shelf malware,… [Continue Reading]

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