lundi 9 juin 2014

PhraseExpress provides universal AutoCorrect and AutoText for Windows, unveils multiple improvements

Phrase Express

Bartels Media GmbH has unveiled Phrase Express 10.1, a major update to its versatile tool for extending AutoText and AutoComplete to any Windows app. Version 10.1 contains a number of improvements and adds a new cancellation hotkey.

The tool, which is free for personal use and is also available in portable form, allows users to build a personal library of text snippets and phrases for quickly inserting into documents, forms and other windows.

Version 10.1 sees the app improve its handling of HTML-formatted phrases, display of tables, text insertion and the clipboard. It also improves the way it keeps the phrase file synchronized.

Users also gain the ability to cancel phrase output using the [Esc] hotkey, and a number of unspecified hotkey issues have now been resolved.

PhraseExpress 10.1 implements two tweak to its macro capabilities: the input buffer is now reset after the #cursor macro function is implemented, while the #msgbox function now pauses the phrase output.

A problem with inputting into forms has been fixed along with the Search & Replace tool.

PhraseExpress 10.1.57 and PhraseExpress Portable 10.1.57 are both available now as a free-for-personal-use download for PCs running Windows XP or later. Users can purchase a range of licenses supporting commercial use with prices starting at $49.95 for a single-user Standard license with one year’s free upgrades.

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