mardi 1 mars 2016

Cloud solutions offer intangible benefits to businesses and customers

Change cloud clouds

There are ways cloud-based solutions are improving businesses that are easy to spot and monitor, such as faster and more flexible access to technology, as well as less spending, but it’s the changes that you can’t see, or measure, that are transforming businesses, eg solutions says.

The Cloud Industry Forum has done the research, and here’s what cloud-based solutions can do to your business that’s basically intangible: 60 percent have reported improvements to both customer and employee propositions, and 29 percent have reported improvements in customer service.

Moreover, 26 percent say customer satisfaction also improved. If that wasn’t enough to convince you to go Cloud, here’s more: 45 percent said it was crucial to enabling innovation, while 31 percent said it was a major initiative to improve customer service and support.

Elizabeth Gooch, CEO, eg solutions, stated: "The way in which forward-thinking organizations transact and interact with both their customers and employees today has fundamentally changed. There are opportunities for businesses of all sizes to embrace digital technologies as a means to disrupt traditional industries and secure competitive advantage".

"The imperative for change, as seen in this research and indeed our own research findings, are many. But chief amongst them are the mounting demands of the consumer and the increasingly blurred line between our personal and working lives. This is the beginning of the era of the 'Always-On' Enterprise and those businesses that can adapt to the changes in the way that we as consumers interact are the ones that will flourish", added Gooch.

Published under license from, a Net Communities Ltd Publication. All rights reserved.

Photo Credit: phloxii/Shutterstock

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