mercredi 23 septembre 2015

People trust governments with their data, but not private companies


Here’s a plot twist: despite everything that’s been going on with governments spying on other governments and people, despite countries looking to ban encrypted communications apps and generally fighting against encrypted communications, people still trust the government with their data more than private service providers.

Those are the results of a survey made by secure Swiss-based data center provider Artmotion. It surveyed more than 1000 citizens in the US, Europe, Russia and Australia.

"When provided with the choice, consumers consistently agreed that government systems -- such as tax and medical databases -- were more secure than data held by the likes of Facebook, Amazon, Google, Apple and Microsoft", it says in the press release.

Germans are the most trusting of the bunch, with 82 percent trusting public sector systems more than services like email providers.

On the bottom of the list were US consumers. They were most trusting of commercial services, with 69 percent still considered government systems to be the most secure.

In the U.S. email accounts were widely considered the least secure communication channel, while the UK was less trusting of social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter.

Commenting on these findings, Mateo Meier, CEO of Artmotion said: "Data privacy is essential for the safe development and evolution of business. With ever more data being inputted and uploaded by individuals, ensuring the safety of sensitive personal data can often be paramount to a business' success".

"While there is still significant room for improvement by governments the world over when it comes to data security sector, these results highlight just how low some of the world’s biggest internet companies are regarded when it comes to data privacy", added Meier. "Between Ashley Madison, Apple’s iCloud, Amazon Twitch and the attack on Sony Pictures, is it any wonder that customers have lost faith in the ability of Facebook, Google and the other key digital players to protect their data?".

Published under license from, a Net Communities Ltd Publication. All rights reserved.

Photo Credit: phloxii/Shutterstock

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