mardi 22 mai 2018

Get 'Better PHP Development' ($29 value) FREE for a limited time

PHP powers the vast majority of the web today. It is by far the most ubiquitous and accessible mature web language, and welcomes thousands of new developers every day. Better PHP Development offers the tools and techniques you need to become a better developer. This collection comprises: How PHP Executes -- from Source Code to Render by Thomas Punt Getting to Know and Love Xdebug by Bruno Škvorc Localization Demystified: Php-Intl for Everyone by Younes Rafie Event Sourcing in a Pinch by Christopher Pitt Disco with Design Patterns: A Fresh Look at Dependency Injection by Reza Lavaryan A Comprehensive Guide to Using Cronjobs by Reza Lavaryan… [Continue Reading]

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